This SSY “Its The Food” Challenge is a 21 Day Rescue Program that will help you get rid of food cravings, lower bad cholesterol, drop your blood pressure and glucose, and most importantly improve insulin sensitivity. Yes, this program will help you drop your A1C to a healthier level and get you well on your way to reversing type 2 diabetes just like Alex and many of our other SSY members.
You: What about weight loss, am I not going to lose weight?
Coach Will: You will absolutely lose weight but weight loss is a side effect but not the main focus of this program. You’ll see that as you eat this way, you don’t have to worry about shedding body fat or letting go of those excess pounds, it’ll happen automatically.
You’ll prove to yourself that eating this way not only works but is very sustainable. The other thing I love about this ‘Its The Food’ Challenge is that the longer you do it the better it works. So you basically adopt this way of eating for life just like your ancestors. You will never have to go on another fad diet ever again, or count calories, or weigh every morsel of food you put in your mouth. 🙂
You: Wow coach, that sounds exciting. I hate counting calories and weighing all my food. I’m just tired of it. So whats included in the program?

1. Delicious Recipes: Recipes will be provided that are geared directly to improving insulin sensitivity and reversing obesity and diabetes. These meal plans will give you the energy you need to get through the day and chisel away that unwanted body fat. (Value of $50/wk)
2. Daily Mindset Training: You’ll get daily mindset training from your coaches inside the FB group that will set you on a course to achieve your Slimmer Stronger You self. This will help you break through any barriers currently holding you back from achieving the best version God intended you to be. (Value of $50/wk)
3. Group Support: You’ll get support from other challengers and coaches via FB and messenger that will help keep you accountable and motivated throughout the entire 14-Day or 21-Day Challenge. (Value of $50/wk)
4. Cooking demos: This will help you see how to cook each meal the Polynarian Way including batch cooking and preparing meals for the week ahead of time. (Value of $50/wk)
5. Virtual Fat Burning Workouts: You will have access to daily fat burning exercises on the website you can do on your own time from wherever you are to help you speed up the fat burning process. Exercise is not required in this program but recommended so we will provide you these exercises to help you get healthier and stronger during the 21-Day Challenge. (Value of $50/wk)
TOTAL VALUE PROVIDED is $750! (Don’t worry it wont cost this much. Keep reading to find out the very affordable investment below.)

This program is a virtual program that will be held online on Facebook and messenger. You will need a Facebook and messenger account for this program. You can create one just for this challenge if you don’t have one already.

You have to be at least 18 years of age no matter your health condition [Under 18 is allowed only if a parent (or legal guardian) is part the program.]. Its always good to check with your physician before joining any diet or nutrition program if you have health conditions that concerns you.

The 21-Day “Its The Food” Challenge will be held on the following schedule for the first quarter of 2021:
– January 10 to 30, 2021 (Orientation: Thu, Jan. 7th at 5:30-pm)
– January 31 to February 20, 2021 (Orientation: Sat, Jan. 30 at 8-am)
– February 28 to March 20, 2021 (Orientation: Thu, Feb. 25. at 5:30pm)
– March 21 to April 10, 2021 (Orientation: Sat, Mar. 20 at 8am)
– April 18 to May 8, 2021 (Orientation: Thu, Apr. 15, 2021 at 8am)

With over $750 value provided to you, the 21-Day Challenge should cost at least that much. Don’t worry it wont cost this much at all.
The 21-Day Challenge is a very small investment of ONLY $100 per person or ONLY $180 per couple. However, we are offering a huge New Year discount for you so you will only pay $75 per person and $140 per couple [Couple must be husband and wife.]