Talofa Warrior,
Welcome to Week 4! Congratulations on completing the first half of Boot Camp. The second half of Boot Camp will be even more challenging than the first. This is the time where if it didn’t hit you in week 3, it’ll most likely hit you in Week 4. Fatigue will start to set in, thoughts of quitting will start to clutter your mind.
You’ll start to wonder if you should show up for your work out each day or skip it all together and send your Coach a message that you are sick or not feeling well. Whatever you do, dont give in to the temptation to quit!
No worthy goal is ever easy, especially when it comes to losing weight and becoming healthier. It requires long term commitment and a deeply rooted desire to finish the journey come heaven or high water. Remember, consistency is more important than intensity. Doing your 5 DDs every single day is more important than going all out on the first two to three weeks and then quit.
When the feeling of quitting come, remember to recite your pledge over and over until the feeling passes. It usually takes about 15 minutes for it to pass. So stand tall and proud and recite the pledge like your health depends on it, because it does.
“I am Present, I am Open, I am Humble, I am All-In!”
“I will not Hide, I will not Lie, I will not Brag, I will not Quit!”
“I am Slimmer, I am Stronger, I am _____ (goal weight here)!”
“I am a Champion, I Am A Champion, I AM A CHAMPION!”
Now, dont you feel good already?! Works every time. 😉
Remember, this is your journey and if you want it bad enough you will do whatever it takes. You will climb any mountain no matter how high to get to your goal. Because if you dont do it for yourself, no one else will. No One Is Coming To Save You, You Must Save Yourself!
Remember, you must do whats required to get what you desire. Commit to following the program and the results will come for you. Dont get fooled into the common misconception that you just need to exercise to lose weight. Its not true, so follow the plan as outlined and the results will come guaranteed!
Don’t forget to take your weigh in and measurements Friday at the SSY Fitness Center and every morning to see how you are progressing. The more often you check-in with the scale the faster the results will come. However, if weighing yourself daily stresses you out, then do it once a week.
For Week 4, we will continue to follow the Polynesian Diet along with a mixture of water fasting (WF) also known as Intermittent Fasting to speed up your fat burning furnace. Remember, the Poly Diet is Starch Based, meaning most of your calories will be coming from all natural starches just like our ancestors. I recommend you stick to local starches as much as possible because the closer you eat to the source the better it is for your body.
Again, here is a list of Starchy and non-starchy “green” veggies to fill you up. The starchy veggies are the powerhouse for your body so be sure to fill half (40%) of your plate with starchy veggies and 30% of it with non-starchy veggies, 10% with fruits and the remaining 20% with lean protein (lean meat, low fat seafood, tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, etc…).
Here is the SSY Polynarian Traffic Light System. Stay away from RED LIGHT Foods, Limit Yellow Light Foods and Eat Green Light Foods in order to heal your body and lose weight. Go Super Green for even faster results.
Each Week we will be featuring a Polynarian Recipe of the WEEK! So here is the Featured Polynarian Recipe for Week 1! One of my favorite meals for any time of the day. Great for batch cooking as well. This will last 3-5 days in the fridge.
Deviled Chicken (4 servings)
– per serving –
Protein: 23g
Carbs: 0g
Fat: 2g
Total calories = ~112
– 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (4oz each)
• 4 tablespoons Dijon mustard
• 1 teaspoon curry powder
• Pinch of stevia or honey (optional)
• Salt
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Add the stevia/honey, mustard, pinch of salt, and curry powder.
3. Stir until well combined.
4. Roll the chicken pieces in the mixture until coated.
5. Arrange them in a baking dish (I prefer a glass dish).
6. Bake for 35 minutes.
For more delicious Polynarian Recipes and more focused support on helping you master the food, you can join our SSY Food Challenge at www.SlimmerStrongerYou.com/FoodChallenge. This program will help you really learn to eat for health for life.
Okay, lets get into the details for Week 4!
We will Up-One our Nutrition Challenge this week by reducing our eating window from 10-hours to 9-hours. So instead of eating from 7am-5pm we will have all our meals between 7am-4pm. Scientific studies now show that the earlier you stop eating before the sun goes down the more body fat you’ll burn and the healthier you’ll become.
The recommended eating time for fast fat loss is an 8-hour eating window that ends at 3pm. I know this seems too early, which is why we will not jump straight to it but will do it one baby step at a time. Last week we did 10-hours, this week we’ll go for a 9-hour eating window. 7am to 4pm.
However, if you are doing great with the 12-hour or 11-hour or even the 8-hour eating window you are using, whatever that may be, and you are happy with the rate of your fat loss progress then by all means stick to that eating window plan. For the rest of you that have never stuck to an eating window before, please follow the plan as outlined and the results will continue to come, guaranteed! Let’s do this!
Day 22 – Sunday: 24-hr Fast Day!
Mindset: Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning after waking up or whenever you can. Here’s a good guided meditation for you. Recite Pledge after waking and just before bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do this sleeping meditation when you lay down to sleep.
Nutrition: Today will be your normal calorie day (10 times your current weight in lbs or 2000 calories). Follow these Nutrition rules:
– Eat within a 9-hour or less eating window… i.e. 7am-4pm. However, today we’ll stop eating at 3pm for our Water Fast to give you one hour tomorrow to eat before stop eat at 4pm.
– Eat mostly carbs and low-fat foods. Starches should make up 40% of your calories with green veggies making up 30%, fruits 10% and lean protein 20% (lean meat or beans, lentils, tofu, etc…).
– Stop eating when 80% full. Stick to 2 to 3 main meals. You can snack on non-starchy veggies between meals when hungry.
– Stop eating before 3-pm. Start 24-hr Water Fast at or before 3-pm.
– Drink only water and nothing else. Get 3-4 liters of lemon/lime water in before your cut off eating time.
– Go for a 30-minute walk or do yoga or just rest for today.
Use this follow along Yoga Video:
Day 23 – Monday: 17/9 Poly Diet Plan & Full Body Workout!
Mindset: Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use the same meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and just before bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using the video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Your first meal today is 24 hours after your last meal yesterday which will be no later than 3pm if you started at or before 3pm yesterday.
– You will have 9 hours for your meals. So your eating time will be from 10-am to 6-pm.
– Stick to the Poly Diet GREEN LIGHT Foods ONLY! Mostly plants and only seafood if you want meat. Just like our ancestors.
Here is the Poly Diet Traffic Light System if you didn’t download it yet:
– Eat mostly carbs and low fat foods. Starches should make up 40% of your calories with green veggies making up 30%, fruits 10% and lean protein 20%.
– Eat when hungry and Stop eating when 80% full. 3 main meals and snack on fruits and veggies if hungry in between. Stick to local produce as much as possible.
– Drink water or giu for beverage. Get 3-4 liters of lemon/lime water.
Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. Remember, Consistency Over Intensity.
If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, follow the Video Demo below. Do your WOD wherever you are, no equipment needed.
No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Let’s go!
Monday WOD!
Warm-Up 5 minutes…
20x JJs, 20x High Knees, 20x Shoulder Press,
WOD (30 mins)
Push-Ups (40x)
Burpees (5x)
Push-Ups (30x)
Jump Squats (10x)
Push-Ups (20x)
Ski Jumps/Steps (20x)
Push-Ups (10x)
Sumo Squats (30x)
Push-Ups (5x)
Jumping Jacks (40x)
…Finisher – Gorilla Walk (1x)…
Cool Down Stretches
Post Photo when done with WOD in FB Group to stay accountable!
Day 24 – Tuesday: 17/9 Poly Diet Plan & Ab Workout!
Mindset: Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use same meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge right after waking and just before bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation to help you fall sleep. Use same meditation video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as Tuesday, 17/9 Diet. Be a Polynarian by eating locally grown food and local seafood if you want meat once or twice a week.
Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. Remember, Consistency Over Intensity.
If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, follow the Video Demo below. Do your WOD wherever you are, no equipment needed.
No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Let’s go!
Tuesday WOD!
5 Minute Warmup
Running Jacks (20x), High Knee (20x), Leg Swing (10x)
WOD (25 mins)
Ab Crusher 3.0 + BC (Bear Crawl)
1200-meter run
15 Russian Twists + BC
15 Scissor Kicks + BC
15 Crunches + BC
15 Reverse Crunches + BC
15 Toe Touches + BC
15 Plank Knee to Elbow + BC
15L-Side Plank Reaches + BC
15R-Side Plank Reaches + BC
15 Dead Bugs + BC
Team Challenge
Finisher 2 Minute Plank Hold!
Day 25 – Wednesday: 17/9 Poly Diet Plan & Full Body Workout!
Mindset: Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use same meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and just before bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using the video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as Tuesday, 17/9 Diet. Be a Polynarian by eating locally grown food and local seafood if you want meat once or twice a week.
Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. Remember, Consistency Over Intensity.
If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, follow the Video Demo below. Do your WOD wherever you are, no equipment needed.
No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Let’s go!
Wednesday WOD!
Warm-Up 5 minutes…
20x JJs, 20x High Knees, 20x Shoulder Press,
WOD (30 mins)
Push-Ups (45x)
Burpees (10x)
Push-Ups (35x)
Jump Squats (15x)
Push-Ups (25x)
Ski Jumps/Steps (25x)
Push-Ups (15x)
Sumo Squats (35x)
Push-Ups (10x)
Jumping Jacks (45x)
…Finisher – Gorilla Walk (1.5x)…
Cool Down Stretches
Post Photo when done with WOD in FB Group to stay accountable!
Day 26 – Thursday: 17/9 Poly Diet Plan & Ab Workout!
Mindset: Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and before going to bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using the video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as Day T-W. Master the Poly Diet Green Light Foods & 80% Full Rule.
Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. Remember, Consistency Over Intensity.
If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, follow the Video Demo below. Do your WOD wherever you are, no equipment needed.
No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Let’s go!
Thursday WOD!
5 Minute Warmup
Running Jacks (20x), High Knee (20x), Leg Swing (10x)
WOD (25 mins)
Ab Crusher 3.0 + BC (Bear Crawl)
1200-meter run (30 rounds)
20 Russian Twists + BC
20 Scissor Kicks + BC
20 Crunches + BC
20 Reverse Crunches + BC
20 Toe Touches + BC
20 Plank Knee to Elbow + BC
20L-Side Plank Reaches + BC
20R-Side Plank Reaches + BC
20 Dead Bugs + BC
Team Challenge
Finisher 2 Minute Plank Hold!
Cool Down Stretches
Post Photo when done with WOD in FB Group to stay accountable!
Day 27 – Friday: 17/9 Poly Diet Plan & Full Body Workout!
Mindset: Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and before going to bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as T-Th. Master the Poly Diet Green Light Foods & Stop eat at 80% full.
Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. Remember, Consistency Over Intensity.
If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, follow the Video Demo below. Do your WOD wherever you are, no equipment needed.
No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Let’s go!
Friday WOD!
Warm-Up 5 minutes…
20x JJs, 20x High Knees, 20x Shoulder Press,
WOD (30 mins)
Push-Ups (50x)
Burpees (10x)
Push-Ups (40x)
Jump Squats (20x)
Push-Ups (30x)
Ski Jumps/Steps (30x)
Push-Ups (20x)
Sumo Squats (40x)
Push-Ups (10x)
Jumping Jacks (50x)
…Finisher – Gorilla Walk (2x)…
Cool Down Stretches
Post Photo when done with WOD in FB Group to stay accountable!
Day 28 – Saturday: 17/9 Poly Diet & Yoga!
Mindset: Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use same meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and before going to bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation with video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as all days of this week. Master the Poly Diet Green Light Foods and stop eating at 80% full.
– Power Walk for 30 minutes or do Yoga at the Fitness Center or at home following this Yoga video:
Mindset Training for this Week!
Week 4 Mindset Training 1 – Program Your Mind!
Week 4 Mindset Training 2 – The Polynesian Diet!
Week 4 Mindset Training 3 – Food On The Brain!
Congratulations on making it through Week 4. Click on the link below to go to Week 5. Remember, commit to your journey by doing the required work. Follow the plan as outlined and you will see amazing results. Do not deviate from the plan.
Look forward to smashing next weeks challenge!
Lets go Champ!
Always cheering for you and your weight loss and healthy living success.
Coach Will & Sisi Spitzenberg