Talofa Warrior,

Welcome to the last and final week of Boot Camp. Its Finish Strong Week 6 Champ! 2021 is your year. What you’ve learned from this Boot Camp should propel you forward to your goal.

If you’ve been following this program, you are well on your way and far ahead of the crowd. You’re already doing very well with your health goals and will continue to progress right through to the end of the year.

Continue to commit to your journey and follow the SSY Way and you will reach your goal. Don’t stop here just because this is the end of the 6 Week Boot Camp. Keep going, join the next one and get yourself committed to your healthy journey for life.

Remember, if you do whats required you will get what you truly desire. Commit to following the program and the results will come for you. Dont get fooled into the common misconception that you just need to exercise to lose weight. Its not true, so follow the plan as outlined and the results will come guaranteed!

Don’t forget to take your weigh in and measurements Friday morning and post it in the Xtreme FB group page so you can see how you’ve progressed with the program.

We will continue to follow the Polynarian way of eating this week along with a mixture of water fasting (WF) also known as Intermittent Fasting (IF) to speed up your fat burning furnace while we prep for the end of Season 1 Boot Camp.

Remember, the Poly Diet is Starch Based, meaning most of your calories will be coming from all natural starches just like our ancestors. I recommend you stick to local starches as much as possible because the closer you eat to the source the better it is for your body.

Again, here is a list of Starchy and non-starchy “green” veggies to fill you up. The starchy veggies are the powerhouse for your body so be sure to fill half (50%) of your plate with starchy veggies and 30% of it with non-starchy veggies, 10% with fruits and the remaining 10% with lean protein (lean meat, low fat seafood, tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, etc…).

Here is the SSY Polynarian Traffic Light System. Stay away from RED LIGHT Foods, Limit Yellow Light Foods and Eat Green Light Foods in order to heal your body and lose weight. Go Super Green for even faster results.

Each Week we will be featuring a Polynarian Recipe of the WEEK! So here is the Featured Polynarian Recipe of the Week! Great for batch cooking as well. This will last a few days in the fridge.

Savory Oats With Veggies (4-6 servings)
– per serving –
Protein: 40g
Carbs: 25g
Fat: 9g
Total calories = ~340
 4 cups of water
 2 cups of quick cooking steel cut oats
 1 tsp Italian seasoning
 ½ tsp sea salt
 1 tsp garlic powder
 1 tsp onion powder
 ½ cup nutritional yeast flakes
 ¼ tsp turmeric
 1 ½ cup baby kale or spinach
 ½ cup diced mushrooms
 ¼ cup shredded carrots
 ½ cup diced bell peppers
1. Bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan.
2. Add the oats and spices and reduce heat to low.
3. Simmer uncovered for 5 to 7 minutes.
4. Stir in the vegetables.
5. Cover and simmer another 2 minutes.
6. Serve immediately.

Okay, lets get into the details for Week 6!

We will continue the 16/8 Diet Plan this week. This is a 16 hour fasting with an 8 hour eating window each day. We will all be doing the same 8 hour eating window from 7am to 3pm each day. Your challenge is to eat your food inside this window. No eating after 3pm no matter what!

What you will find is that you’ll lose more body fat and scale weight by not eating after 3pm. Repeat this for all days this week (Sun-Sat). Make sure to stick to Polynarian Foods during your 8 hour eating window and focus on mastering the 80% Full Rule.

Make sure to stick to Polynarian Foods during your eating window and focus on mastering the 80% Full Rule.

This week we’ll be doing our 24 hour fast on Sunday or Monday. So on Sunday or Monday we’ll be doing a 24-hr fast starting from 12-pm Saturday/Sunday to 12-pm Sunday/Monday. Lets get to it!

Day 36 – Sunday: 24-hr Water Fast Stop eat at 3pm!
Mindset: Pray first thing after waking and before bed for your journey. Meditate for 30 minutes in the morning after waking up or whenever you can. Here’s a good guided meditation for you. Recite Pledge after waking and just before bed.

Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do this sleeping meditation when you lay down to sleep.

Nutrition: Today will be your WF day that will end at 12-noon. Follow these Nutrition rules:
– Eat within a 8-hour or less eating window… i.e. 12pm-3pm.
– Eat mostly carbs and low fat foods. Starches should make up 50% of your calories with green veggies making up 30%, fruits 10% and lean protein 10% (lean meat or beans, lentils, tofu, etc…).
– Stop eating when 80% full. Stick to 2 to 3 main meals. You can snack on non-starchy veggies between meals when hungry.
– Stop eating before 3pm.
– Drink only water and nothing else. Get 3-4 liters of lemon/lime water in before your cut off eating time.
– Stop drinking 3 hours before bed.
– Go for a 30 minute walk or yoga or just rest for today.

Day 37 – Monday: 16/8 Poly Diet Plan & Full Body Workout!
Mindset: Pray after waking and before bed! Meditate for 30 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use same meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and just before bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using the video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Your first meal today is 16 hours after your last meal yesterday which will be 7-am since you stopped eating at 3pm yesterday.
– You will have 8 hours for your meals. So your eating time will be from 7-am to 3-pm.
– Stick to the Poly Diet GREEN LIGHT Foods ONLY! Mostly plants and only seafood if you want meat. Just like our ancestors.
Here is the Poly Diet Traffic Light System if you didn’t download it yet:
– Eat mostly carbs and low fat foods. Starches should make up 50% of your calories with green veggies making up 30%, fruits 10% and lean protein 10%.
– Eat when hungry and Stop eating when 80% full. 3 main meals and snack on fruits and veggies if hungry in between. Stick to local produce as much as possible.
– Stop eating at 3pm or earlier.
– Drink water or giu for beverage. Get 3-4 liters of lemon/lime water.
Exercise: Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Lets go!

If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, be sure to get your WOD done. WOD is explained in the demo video below. Lets go!

Warm-up: 20x: Running Jacks, High Knees, Sumo Squats
(32 mins)
ROUND 1: Full Body Burn (10 mins)
High Knees (30sec)
Pushups (30sec)
Air Squats (30sec)
Shoulder Taps (30sec)
Reverse Lunges (30sec)
Wide Pushups (30sec)
Skaters (30sec)
Superman Pushups (30sec)
Side Jump Squats (30sec)
Plank Jack’s (30sec)
[Repeat 1x, No Rest]
ROUND 2: Power-Pole Sprints (10 mins)
Power Pole 1: 10x SSY Pushups
Power Pole 2: 10x Squat Toe Taps
[Sprint between Power Poles, No Rest]
ROUND 3: DB Complex (10 mins)
Push Press (10x)
Front Squat (10x)
High Pulls (10x)
Rows (10x)
Stiff legged Deadlifts (10x)
…Finisher – Crab Walk (1x)…
Cool Down Stretches

Day 38 – Tuesday: 16/8 Poly Diet Plan & Ab Workout!
Mindset: Pray for your journey first thing after waking and before bed. Meditate for 30 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use same meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge right after waking and just before bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation to help you fall sleep. Use same meditation video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as yesterday. Eating window from 7am to 3pm.
Exercise: Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Lets go!

If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, be sure to get your WOD done. WOD is explained in the demo video below. Lets go!

Warm-up: 20x: JJs, High Knees, Leg Swing
Abs On Fire 3.1 WOD (32 mins)
1600-meter run (1x)
Round 1: Boxing Abs (10 mins)
1-2-Combo (1min)
1-2-Sprawl (1min)
1-2-Kick-Kick (1min)
L-Side Plank Reaches (1min)
R-Side Plank Reaches (1min)
Round 2: Plank Attack (5 mins)
Plank Side Walks (1min)
Suicide Planks (1min)
Ab Circles (1min)
Toe Touches (1min)
Hollow Hold (1min)
Round 3: Core Strength (5 min)
Plank Front Walks (1min)
Plank Jacks (1min)
Knee-Elbow Twists (1min)
Windshield Wipers (1min)
Walkouts to Plank Jacks (1min)
Team Challenge (5-mins)
Finisher – 2 Min Plank Hold
Cooldown stretches (5 mins)

Day 39 – Wednesday: 16/8 Poly Diet Plan & Full Body Workout!
Mindset: Pray first thing after waking and before bed for your journey. Meditate for 30 minutes in the morning after waking up or whenever you can. Recite Pledge after waking and just before bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using the video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as yesterday.
Exercise: Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Lets go!

If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, be sure to get your WOD done. WOD is explained in the demo video below. Lets go!

Warm-up: 20x: Running Jacks, High Knees, Sumo Squats
(32 mins)
ROUND 1: Full Body Burn (10 mins)
High Knees (30sec)
Pushups (30sec)
Air Squats (30sec)
Shoulder Taps (30sec)
Reverse Lunges (30sec)
Wide Pushups (30sec)
Skaters (30sec)
Superman Pushups (30sec)
Side Jump Squats (30sec)
Plank Jack’s (30sec)
[Repeat 1x, No Rest]
ROUND 2: Power-Pole Sprints (10 mins)
Power Pole 1: 12x SSY Pushups
Power Pole 2: 12x Squat Toe Taps
[Sprint between Power Poles, No Rest]
ROUND 3: DB Complex (10 mins)
Push Press (12x)
Front Squat (12x)
High Pulls (12x)
Rows (12x)
Stiff legged Deadlifts (12x)
…Finisher – Crab Walk (1.5x)…
Cool Down Stretches

Day 40 – Thursday: 16/8 Poly Diet Plan & Ab Workout!
Mindset: Pray after wake and before bed for your journey. Meditate for 30 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and before going to bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using the video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as yesterday.
Exercise: Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Lets go!

If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, be sure to get your WOD done. WOD is explained in the demo video below. Lets go! This WOD is same as Tuesday so aim for up one from Tuesday.

Warm-up: 20x: JJs, High Knees, Leg Swing
Abs On Fire 3.1 WOD (32 mins)
1600-meter run (1x)
Round 1: Boxing Abs (10 mins)
1-2-Combo (1min)
1-2-Sprawl (1min)
1-2-Kick-Kick (1min)
L-Side Plank Reaches (1min)
R-Side Plank Reaches (1min)
Round 2: Plank Attack (5 mins)
Plank Side Walks (1min)
Suicide Planks (1min)
Ab Circles (1min)
Toe Touches (1min)
Hollow Hold (1min)
Round 3: Core Strength (5 min)
Plank Front Walks (1min)
Plank Jacks (1min)
Knee-Elbow Twists (1min)
Windshield Wipers (1min)
Walkouts to Plank Jacks (1min)
Team Challenge (5-mins)
Finisher – 2 Min Plank Hold
Cooldown stretches (5 mins)

Day 41 – Friday: 16/8 Poly Diet Plan & Ab Workout!
Mindset: Pray after wake and before bed for your journey. Meditate for 30 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and before going to bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation using video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Break water fast at 3pm today! Eat your Polynarian meals from 3pm to 7pm. Stop eat at 7pm.
Exercise: Show up for your Work Out of the Day (WOD) at the SSY Fitness Center. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you showing up and doing the required work. No excuses! Make this your Non-Negotiable! 80% of success is showing up. Lets go!

If you are doing the Virtual Boot Camp, be sure to get your WOD done. WOD is explained in the demo video below. Lets go! This WOD is same as Tuesday so aim for up one from Tuesday.

Warm-up: 20x: Running Jacks, High Knees, Sumo Squats
(32 mins)
ROUND 1: Full Body Burn (10 mins)
High Knees (1min)
Pushups (1min)
Air Squats (1min)
Shoulder Taps (1min)
Reverse Lunges (1min)
Wide Pushups (1min)
Skaters (1min)
Superman Pushups (1min)
Side Jump Squats (1min)
Plank Jack’s (1min)
[Repeat 1x, No Rest]
ROUND 2: Power-Pole Sprints (10 mins)
Power Pole 1: 15x SSY Pushups
Power Pole 2: 15x Squat Toe Taps
[Sprint between Power Poles, No Rest]
ROUND 3: DB Complex (10 mins)
Push Press (15x)
Front Squat (15x)
High Pulls (15x)
Rows (15x)
Stiff legged Deadlifts (15x)
…Finisher – Crab Walk (2x)…
Cool Down Stretches

Day 42 – Saturday: 16/8 Poly Diet Plan & Ab Workout!
Mindset: Pray after wake and before bed for your journey. Meditate for 30 minutes in the morning after waking up. Use meditation video from Sunday. Recite Pledge after waking and before going to bed.
Sleep: Get 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep tonight. Do a sleeping meditation with video from Sunday.
Nutrition: Same as yesterday.
– Power Walk or Yoga for 30 minutes

Mindset Training for this Week!

Week 6 Mindset Training – Life After Boot Camp!

Week 6 Mindset Training – Alex Lost 180-lbs with SSY!

Congratulations on making it through Week 6. We are super proud of you for completing the boot camp. Im sure you now realize that the results you get is in direct proportion of how well you followed the program.

To continue your momentum we recommend you sign-up for the next boot camp which starts in one week. You can find out all the details by clicking on this link:


Look forward to helping you on your journey to a Slimmer Stronger Healthier You!

You Are A Champion!

Always cheering for you and your weight loss success.

Coach Will & Sisi Spitzenberg

P.S. If you need help, please post in our Xtreme Fat Loss FB Group Page or in the chat or email us at slimmerstrongeryou at gmail dot com. #YourAreAChampion #YouCanDoHardThings #2020Vision #SSY4LIFE